As the weather continues to get even colder, it's necessary to consider how the temperature affects the battery on your e-bike.
By following our simple tips, you can protect your E-bike battery performance and keep riding over the colder months.

How does low temperature affect the E-bike battery?
Chilly temperatures whilst not unsafe can affect your battery's range. Li-ion batteries discharge more quickly when cold so if you are riding your e-bike in winter weather you will need to charge your battery more frequently than in summer or warmer weather.
In fact, the capacity of the battery itself has not changed. The change is that the resistance has become larger. Compared with summer, the resistance in winter has become larger. To achieve the same power, you can only increase the output of the current.
So with the same capacity, the battery seems to be draining quickly. The internal resistance of the battery is related to the temperature. The lower the temperature, the higher the internal resistance, so it will be consumed very fast in winter.
What is in an Ebike Battery?
It generally be referencing Lithium-Ion (Li-ion) battery chemistry. Almost all modern electric bikes use this current standard battery type for its high energy density.
There are a few different chemistries of the Lithium-ion battery used in modern ebikes, which include: Lithium Nickel Cobalt Manganese (Li-NCM), Lithium Manganese Cobalt (LiMnCO2), Lithium Nickel Cobalt Aluminium (LiNiCoAlO2), and Lithium Polymer (usually Cobalt chemistry).

One rider, two very different temperatures. We simulate hot and cold conditions in a climate chamber and make one test run each. The test person rides the e-bikes in "Boost" mode (highest support) until the batteries are empty. In which condition does the battery last longer?

- Charge your battery indoors
Keep the battery stored (or your whole ebike, if the battery is not removable) someplace with normal room temperatures (55-75 degrees Fahrenheit).
if you've just come back from a cold ride, let the battery rest inside for several hours before plugging it in.
- Remove The Battery If Unused
It's best to not leave the battery in your electric bike, this is for both security & keeping the battery in good condition.And keep it at around 75% charged and check on it every month to make sure it's staying at that level.
- Keep it Clean!
Ebikes that are utilized in the winter months are likely to need more frequent cleaning. Especially because of the salt, You might also consider buying rust-proof spray, you want to keep your bike clean to keep the components from corroding.
But remember that when you wash your bike, don’t spray it with high pressure and take particular care when cleaning around the motor.
Don't be afraid of using your bike during the cold weather!
Riding in the cold is fine and will do no lasting harm to the batteries health. it has a temporary effect, but it will go back to normal.